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Charlotte Davis (Anderson)

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City: Saint Paul
State / Province: MN
Marital status: Married Gender: Female Children: 5
Occupation: Hospitality
I am the Great-Great Granddaughter of Arabella Parsons (wife of Josephus Cumberland)

Married: Lawrence M. Davis (and No - he is no relationship to Clinton Davis (Husband of Bessie Cumberland-Davis! LOL!)

Lawrence Davis

City: 2285 Stewart Avenue St Paul, MN 55116
Marital status: Married Gender: Male Children: 3
Married to Charlotte. Glad to be part of the family.

Brea Ratliff (Brea Ratliff)

Now photo
City: Auburn, AL
Marital status: Single Gender: Female Children: 0
Occupation: Entrepreneur, Mathematics Teacher Educator
I'm so excited about this opportunity to stay connected with and get to know everyone better!

Julia Sheafor

Now photo
City: Spokane
Gender: Female Children: 1

Micaiah Yhisrael (Birth name America Baker)

Now photo
City: Cincinnati
Marital status: Single Gender: Female Children: 1
Occupation: Registered Nurse
Hello. I live in Cincinnati, OH and I’m a mother of 1 daughter whom I homeschool while also working full time as a Registered Nurse from home. I also spread motivation, inspiration and creative encouragement called Micaiahism’s. I am also a self published author.

David B Young

Now photo
City: Minneapolis
Marital status: Married Gender: Male Children: 2
Occupation: Retired
This is great! Excited about staying in contact with everyone and gaining more knowledge about the history of the Gist Settlements and the families that lived on the land.